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4 Hotel Spaces Made for Motorized Shades

From your lobby to your guests’ rooms, motorized shades can create a more comfortable and convenient environment

When it comes to the day-to-day operation of your hotel or resort, the shades you install throughout your space are likely not at the top of your priority list. However, this attitude is a mistake, because your shades play an important role in establishing an ideal atmosphere. Your shades are also important when it comes to protecting your guests’ privacy.

Still not convinced? That what today’s blog is all about. We’ll be going through the ways motorized shades can improve four different spaces in your Maui, HI hotel or resort. Read on to learn more.

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Places in your hotel with heavy foot traffic – the lobby, room corridors, the gym or pool area, etc. – are well suited to commercial automation systems such as motorized shades.

One factor that increases the utility of motorized shades in these spaces is the sheer number of windows and, therefore, shades. Adjusting the shades manually in these areas could take hours, whereas doing so with motorized shades is much more convenient and takes minutes, if not seconds. For even greater convenience, set your shades to automated schedules and watch as they adjust themselves without any effort from you or your staff.

The plethora of windows in your common spaces offers a demonstration of another benefit of motorized shades: protecting your furniture and décor from sun damage. UV rays that come through windows and blinds will severely damage furniture, wallpaper, wood flooring and wall decorations such as photos or paintings. The design and fabrics used in motorized shades often make them more effective at blocking UV light than regular shades. And like we just mentioned, automated schedules make things even easier when you can set your shades to lower during the brightest points of the day.


Many of the advantages of installing motorized shades in your hotel or resort restaurants echo the benefits we discussed for common areas. Just like in those spaces, you get the same level of increased convenience and the protection from the ravages of the sun in your restaurants.

However, there’s another benefit you may not have considered: the greater convenience for your dining patrons. If a table near a window has a problem with glare or would like some more light, they can make adjustments themselves without needing to bother a member of your staff. And because the shades are motorized, your guests are less likely to cause any issues from getting drawstrings tangled or similar difficulties.


Business clients using your facility’s meeting rooms don’t want to be fussing with troublesome window shades when it’s time to work or view a presentation. They want simple, easy solutions that let them focus on the matter at hand.

Motorized shades are the easy solution you’re looking for. Installing motorized shades and integrating them with lighting control and the conference room’s presentation system gives business guests one-touch control over everything they need to get their work done efficiently.


Just like your business customers, your other guests want simple, easy control over everything in their rooms, including their shades. Installing motorized shades in your guests’ rooms gives them greater control over how their room is lit and what the temperature is, leading to a more comfortable stay.

Motorized shades in guest rooms can benefit management as well. Using motion or occupancy sensors, you can set the shades to lower and the lights to turn off once your guests have left for the day or checked out, helping to save you money by reducing your energy usage. And, once again, adjusting shades in dozens of rooms from a computer or tablet is much simpler with automation.

Motorized shades have the potential to dramatically transform the experience at your Maui resort or hotel. To learn more, call Pacific Audio & Communications Hawaii at 808-870-1619. You can also fill out our online contact form.

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