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How to Keep Your Smart Home Running Smoothly

How to Keep Your Smart Home Running Smoothly

  • Remote Monitoring to Anticipate Needs
  • Quick Service and Maintenance of System
  • Professional Support for Your Technology


Why You Need Expert Support for Your Home Automation System

The benefits of a smart home automation system are endless. You get intuitive, centralized control of all the technology in your Oahu, Hawaii home including lighting, security, entertainment and more. This adds a level of convenience to your everyday lifestyle, but only if your system is running smoothly. Our services don't end at installation. We want to make you a client for life, offering customer support and remote monitoring of your technology, so any issues are resolved quickly and efficiently.

Remote Monitoring of Your System

To ensure the health of your system and reduce the amount of downtime during any service call, we implement remote monitoring service plans that allow us to recognize issues preemptively and repair them quickly.
  • Our team receives alerts whenever a component of your smart home automation system is not functioning properly.
  • In most occasions, we can log-in to your system remotely and resolve the issue without having to schedule a service call.
  • Through remote management, we can also apply upgrades to your equipment to keep it running reliably and securely.

Efficient and Reliable Service Calls

There are a few benefits to having a home automation expert on hand:
  • Quick Access to Experts: If you buy smart products on your own, you may find yourself wasting hours of valuable time trying to resolve a problem or finding someone with the expertise necessary to help. With one of our installations, you can put us on quick-dial, and we're here to help with issues ranging from cable service interruption to reprogramming smart control devices.
  • Expert Knowledge of Your System: We know every little detail about your smart home automation system. We have your design plans and programming codes on hand. This makes it easier to identify problems and resolve them.

Quick Replacement of Parts

  • Remote management lets us recognize if a new part is needed whether it’s a new thermostat or matrix switcher.
  • With prior knowledge of your system, we know the exact make and model of the product you need.
  • A direct line of communication with the top manufacturers in the industry lets us get your replacement part in a matter of days to speed up your repair.
To enjoy the full convenience of a smart home automation system in your Oahu property, you need to make sure it’s working properly at all times. Contact Pacific Audio and Communications to set up a consultation and sign up for one of our remote service plans.


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