We Have Moved To Our New Kauai Offices And Showroom!
We've recently moved to a new building and we're excited to announce all of the features you can enjoy for your integrated electronic needs.
Our new 3000 sqft facility will have dedicated offices for admin, design and engineering, programming, staging, rack building, project management and of course a full showroom and conference/meeting space. All better to support our clientsIf you'd like to schedule a visit, give us a call at our new phone number: (808)3 20-8463And visit us at our new location: 1587 Haleukana St. Ste. 101 lihue Hi 96766

Our new 3000 sqft facility will have dedicated offices for admin, design and engineering, programming, staging, rack building, project management and of course a full showroom and conference/meeting space. All better to support our clientsIf you'd like to schedule a visit, give us a call at our new phone number: (808)3 20-8463And visit us at our new location: 1587 Haleukana St. Ste. 101 lihue Hi 96766