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Enhance Guest Experience with a Hotel Room Control System


Smart Hotel Upgrades for Your Guests and Business

Positive first impressions mean everything, which invariably translates to repeat business. When guests enjoy their stay at your hotel, they keep coming back for more. Still, even if you have a well-appointed room, luxurious amenities, and a beautifully manicured property, your competitors in Honolulu, HI, may boast the same features. Rise about the rest by adding a state-of-the-art hotel room control system.

Your guests enjoy a 5-star experience every time. That’s because they have complete control of every technology in their rooms – the lights, motorized shades, whole-room audio, entertainment, and much more. Keep reading to see how you can fill every vacancy in your hotel by upgrading to a smart room automation system.


SEE ALSO: Why Lutron Lighting And Shades Are A Smart Investment


One-Touch Control of the Lights & Shades

After checking in at the front desk, it’s time for your guests to see their room. Imagine, as they open the door, the lights automatically illuminate, the shades open, and music plays on the whole-room sound system. Before they step into the room, you’ve already created an impression.

During their stay, they enjoy complete control of the lights and motorized window treatments using a Control4 touchpad located by their bed or on the wall. They can program the system to automatically open and close the blinds at specific times during the day. With tunable LED lights, guests are able to change the brightness and hue to create any mood they want in their rooms.


Now, That’s Entertainment!

Years ago, HD TVs were considered the premier choice for hotel rooms. But things have changed. Today, there are much better products on the market – from 4K UHD TVs (ultra-high-definition) to OLED TVs. Your guests might not want to leave their rooms when they witness the stunning TV displays with vivid color, contrast, and clarity. Add a whole-room sound system into the mix, and you’ll create a movie-theater experience right in their hotel room. The speaker system delivers a surround sound experience that immerses them in the movie or TV show.


Cater to Their Comfort

Sometimes, a guest wakes up in the middle of the night and wants to adjust the thermostat. That means getting up out of bed and avoiding any obstacles to change the temperature setting. With a Control4 touchpad by their bedside, they don’t need to get up at all. Simply roll over, touch the tablet, and change the temperature. However, a smart climate control system is highly efficient and intuitive. It maintains the ideal temperature minute by minute. More than likely, your guests will sleep peacefully throughout the entire night.


Schedule a Wake-Up Scene

Remember the days when guests required wake-up calls? Not so anymore. Your smart hotel room control system does it for you, and much better! Instead of using a typical alarm to stir your guests from sleep, the system can be programmed to perform a whole host of tasks: raise the shades, illuminate the smart lights, or turn on the music or TV. Your smart room system makes waking up so much more pleasant.


Discover other impressive features of installing a hotel room smart system when you contact Pacific Audio & Communications. Call us at (808) 320-8463 or fill out our online contact form to schedule a consultation.

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