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Spotlight on Health Checkpoint Technology


Use Thermal Camera Technology to Provide Safety and Assurance to Staff and Clientele

There is high hope for businesses to get back to normal in the next few months. Several vaccines will be rolling out shortly, which will stem the spread and allow us to fully open our gyms, restaurants, offices, and hotels. While a positive outlook for the return of tourism is warranted, vigilance is still required.

The truth is that according to international health agencies, many of the daily safety procedures we now follow will be with us over seasonal cycles for years to come.

The priority for business is in balancing the ability to protect employees and clients while still generating revenue. Much of this requires instilling confidence in everyone who enters your Hawaii establishment that every precaution is being taken.

One factor is providing assurances to the public is checking for symptoms using temperature checks via thermal imaging solutions. Knowing which methods and tools are accurate and minimize contact between people can be critical. Thermal checkpoint imaging provides the most reliable method for measuring and confirming the temperature of individuals entering your commercial property.

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The Fallacy of Infrared Thermometers

Pacific Audio & Communications is well known for our high-level commercial installations with projects ranging from HVAC integration to media distribution and conferencing technologies.  We also provide expert solutions for thermal imaging monitoring, from the technology to procedures.

Setting up a system to check the temperatures of individuals who enter your business can seem like a simple thing. While the process can be straightforward, many factors can complicate it, causing frustration, delays, and a lack of confidence from your customers. Who is responsible for measuring and verifying the readings? What methods work reliably?

As mandated, businesses have established quick checks at entrances, asking to answer potential exposure and reading questions for signs of a fever. More often than not, a staff member will use an infrared thermometer to verify that a customer is not exhibiting symptoms. These guns are ubiquitous, but unfortunately they are are also highly inaccurate; the media and the medical community is taking note. This makes the infrared units merely a showpiece, signifying very little.


The Right Way to Measure

A better method is to use thermal checkpoint health systems to furnish reliable, accurate readings. These systems utilize finely-tuned cameras that measure multiple factors then analyze the readings to generate a result.

The difference is in what the device is reading. Infrared devices read-only Elevated Skin Temperature (EST). This method is not nearly exact as everything from surrounding heat elements to a person arriving after a brisk walk in the cold can alter the actual reading.

Thermal scanning systems use EST as a baseline and then measure the Elevated Body Temperature (ESB). Checkpoint cameras read the whole face paying particular attention to the tear ducts and not just a person's forehead.


More than Measurements

The thermal stations provide another benefit, that of staff safety. With conventional infrared systems, the person taking temperatures needs to be in close proximity to patrons. Checkpoint kiosks enable people to self-check without intervention from an employee, unless necessary.

As the kiosks or stations are self-contained, a business can have several units monitored by a single staff member, allowing other employees to get on with generating sales.


PAC can help your business boost overall wellness and instill confidence in your clients. Give our team a call today or fill out our online contact form here. We look forward to hearing from you!

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