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Building Automation Brings Your Operating Costs Under Control


Energy Automation And Analytics Help You Manage Fluctuating Power Needs

Managing energy costs is a critical element to any commercial endeavor; the more efficiently you can heat or cool a facility or reduce unnecessary electrical use, the better your margins. Energy costs will continue to rise for the foreseeable future. Further complicating things is that many states have energy efficiency standard mandates similar to California's Title 24.

Building automation involves balancing energy use and environmental impact concerns while maintaining compliance and the comfort of the occupants. Energy management entails both regulating power and aggregating data to provide a clear picture of usage.

Are you intrigued by how an energy automation system can help your business? Read more below to find out how.

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Del Dotto Winery

A prime example of an installation incorporating efficiency mandates and energy management is the recently commissioned system at the Del Dotto Winery.

Located in the heart of the Napa Valley, the facility incorporates wine production, business offices, and an extensive visitors center. A Crestron control system is used as a single platform interface to automate and monitor lighting, access control, distribution of audio and video, energy management, and more.

People And Power

The winery has a large-scale hospitality component with private function spaces, tasting rooms, dining areas, touring caves, and exterior patios. The power required fluctuates from day to day and month to month. Gaining control of the energy needs requires a sophisticated ecosystem that can coordinate several areas at once.

In order to meet Title 24 requirements, the system employs occupancy sensors, time of day automation triggers, and an administrator panel to provide constant management energy use. As more people enter a room, the system receives information from the custom-designed hydronic loop heating/cooling systems and adjusts to accommodate the guest’s comfort level. When spaces are empty or illumination is not needed, the controller automatically adjusts.

In the Know

Managing energy use by regulating which fixtures or devices are on is only part of the solution. Over time, a building, facility, or campus’ power requirements vary. Seasonal changes, weather patterns, and special events all alter attendance. Understanding these trends helps the winery make informed decisions about which energy conservation techniques to use.

The control platform collects data and generates an analytic report that aids in tracking real-time costs. The information guides decisions such as what areas are to be included during load-shedding events. It can also assist in spotting unusual spikes in usage that may indicate a faulty system or process.

Control More For Less

The combination of self-regulating commands and manual oversight ensures the facility runs at an optimal level. A highly integrated building automation system provides more than convenience and sophisticated interfaces. When you work closely with a client through the entire design-build, it results in intelligent management solutions tailored to their needs, maximizing productivity and minimizing energy costs.

Are you ready to control more for less? Reach out to Pacific Audio & Communications for state-of-the-art building automation. Connect with us today. We look forward to hearing from you!

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